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37th Balaton International Chess Festival GM

Last update 19.06.2019 14:09:24, Creator/Last Upload: annakata

Starting rank list of players

6GMAczel Gergely727709HUN2539
4IMKevlishvili Robby1040634NED2473
3IMKarttunen Mika502081FIN2463
10GMVarga Zoltan700509HUN2457
2IMGirish A. Koushik5038448IND2444
8IMTorma Robert719030HUN2439
5GMCzebe Attila705268HUN2435
9FMKrstulovic Alex760056HUN2368
7CMPrraneeth Vuppala46622373IND2264
1WIMTejaswini Sagar5054290IND2246